Ozone has a very short life time and at room temperature it returns to its Oxygen state in less than forty minutes; this limits their use. It is here where the vegetable oil comes into action, because when mixed with Ozone (O3), it modifies its chemical structure and allows the storage of gas molecules in a stable and very active way, lasting for several years.
The main characteristic of Ozone is its great capacity to oxidize organic compounds; that is, to activate the body's anti-oxidant functions, which results in the inactivation of most microorganisms (including bacteria, fungi and viruses).
When applied directly to affected areas, the action of Ozone is immediate, eliminating any type of microorganism and leaving pure oxygen, or O2, as residue. This makes it a highly efficient natural germicidal agent.
Master formula: Unsaturated oil with active ozone of 8-12%
Route of administration: Topical and mucous
Use: Dermolimpiador, antiseptic, useful in the treatment of wounds.
No side reactions have occurred.
Once used, keep refrigerated.